What we can do for you
Perform miracles
We love to play our so-called songs to live audiences. Invite us to play at your local stadium, park, pub or ice-cream van and see what happens to your neighbourhood.
Sell you things to make your life more complete
Come to our shop and spend your money on our CDs, books and stylish casual wear. See it as an investment in the bank of your emotional life. Micro-credit offered.
Write a song for you
For that extra special gift, say it in song. Commission us to write a personalised song – whether for a birthday, engagement, valentine’s, even weddings. We’ll make it an event that goes on giving.
Clerkenwell ARTSlab
Our monthly night of song, poetry, comedy, magic and cake is the best Monday night in Europe. Upstairs at the famous Betsey Trotwood, Farringdon Road, London EC1R. Get stuck in.
About us
Diego Brown and the Good Fairy are passionate about being passionate about things. We learned the craft of song at the age of 7 from a second cousin who later went on to change the course of Anglo-Latin American relations. And we never looked back. Part non-fat dried milk, we demand a lot of our audiences and they usually come up trumps. Our best gigs are unlike anything you've ever experienced. The same can be said of our worst. We were the talk of the chip van queue at Sidmouth International Folk Festival. And we played to a packed latrine in Austin, Texas. We run the Clerkenwell ARTSlab at The Bestey Trotwood in London, at which we regularly push the envelope all the way out of the box.
Sometimes we cycle too
One note after another
There is no waste
Who we claim to be
